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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / picture2 / 0793c34.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  315KB  |  538x885  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: monitor | plant | railing | reckoner | road | sky | windowpane
OCR: you THE BEST SAVINGS YIELDS IN THE U.S. Minimun Telephone Institertion (state) nrestmer nwmbe MONEY-MARKET ACCOUNTS First Sirnature Banks Trist N.H S10006 800.522 1776 First Depasit Nationaf Bank IN.H. 5.03 6:0 821 9049 Colonlal National Bank HDel 630 241-7305 card New Southi Federal Satings tAla.! 1.005 800-366 -3030 you Key Bank USA(N.Y) 2.03 8.0-872-5653 SIX-MONTH CDS Southern Pacific Thriff &Loan !Calif. 5.co. 310-204 2913 First Deposi Nationat Bank UN.H.I 10.600 880 821 9049 le- Atlantic Bank Bank tWis.! Trust(Mas. 2.03 5.505 86.989. 630-27.2221 -8073 Guaranty xed- Colonlal National Bank dDel.] 10,000 806 :41-7305 ig. ONE-YEAR CDS ng. Southern Pacific Thrift&Loan iCali. 5.200 31c-204 2913 at First Deposit Nationat Bank AN.H.I 4.02 1.02 10.000 80. 6N06 1c8 Ghtaranty Bank (Wis.! 11 5.00 ...